
Other than specialized experts iSyst also employs numerous all-rounders who have comprehensive multidisciplinary knowledge. Nevertheless, it is not possible for us as a small to medium-sized enterprise to handle all subjects in every special area with our own personnel. Being a spin-off of the TH Nürnberg and due to Prof. Hans Rauch's work as source of inspiration and spokesperson in various research projects, the iSyst GmbH draws on a comprehensive network with partners from the academic landscape as well as the research and industry sector. The consistent cooperation with our partners as well as the profound experience as member and creator of various networks have given rise to reliable partnerships which, in turn, provides you with access to an even larger spectrum of expertise, additional products as well as innovative solutions which efficiently increase our range of services and products.

iSyst offers comprehensive measures to secure your products, all from a single source. Due to our network, we are in the position to meet our customers' individual and diverse demands in a target-oriented and comprehensive manner. You can benefit from simple and straightforward project handling with only one point of contact and commissioning. And as it is our main goal to provide you with the best possible solution, we also place you with our experienced network partners where required.

Reference project in cooperation with our network partners