
MedTech Pharma Forum e.V.

Das Forum MedTech Pharma e.V. ist ein unabhĂ€ngiges, transdisziplinĂ€res Netzwerk fĂŒr Innovationen in der Gesundheits- und Medizintechnikbranche. Kompetenzen von nahezu 500 Mitgliedern aus mehr als zehn LĂ€ndern, aus Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft, Anwendung und KostentrĂ€ger werden zu einer Innovationslandschaft gebĂŒndelt. Die Partner identifizieren Trends, fördern Kooperationen, initiieren und begleiten Projekte. Das Netzwerk fungiert dabei als Drehscheibe und Inkubator fĂŒr Innovationen in der Medizintechnik.


Embedded4You (E4Y) is a company association of small and medium-sized companies in Germany. The competencies involving embedded hardware and software are bundled up within the framework of a UG (company joint venture) and made available to the customer. The individual partners concentrate on their core competence in this case and integrate their respective products into the UG - resulting in a common solution which is greater than the individual components alone.


Perspectives4You is both a platform and a network for innovative embedded technologies and services. P4You develops common products and services, distributes ideas for innovation, promotes and supports innovation management of the partners and brings them together to realize common, compatible solutions.

Automation Valley Nordbayern

Prof. Dr. Hans Rauch has contributed significantly to the foundation of Automation Valley Nordbayern and, as a member of the control group, supports the direction of the requirements of this union.

iSyst GmbH, jointly with partners from this union, has successfully acquired, headed up and processed several combined projects (e.g. RedunSys and ParaObsol) as well as organized events.


OPEN Alliance SIG

The OPEN Alliance SIG is involved with standardization work related to automotive Ethernet. iSyst GmbH is a member of OPEN Alliance SIG and cooperates in TC8 on the standardization of the tests for automotive Ethernet and the Protocol SOME/IP.

Cluster Mechatronik und Automation

As the man of the hour in the initial stages, Prof. Dr. Hans Rauch was involved in the foundation of the association "Cluster Mechatronik & Automation e.V.". The combined projects RedunSys and ParaObsol already mentioned above were also actively supported by companies from the cluster. As well as this, iSyst GmbH is active in joint cooperation with the partner initiative in the identification of further innovative project ideas.

Arbeitskreis Software-QualitÀt und -Fortbildung e.V. ASQF (software quality and advanced training working group)

iSyst GmbH is a member of Arbeitskreis Software-QualitÀt und -Fortbildung e.V. (ASQF) and contributes to the success of the working group through participation in events and with its own lectures.